Simple PHP Gallery

Added a couple of new things to the web site. If you came via the old blog page address you saw the main one. New index file in the root directory. Depending, you might have seen that image before. Once a couple years ago that is what the front page looked like and there were three links, one to each of my blogs. Unless there is a simple two step process to move the new Word Press blog into the root directory this is the new site.

Also we have installed Simple PHP Gallery to handle photo posting. This thing is simple to use, hence the name, all you have to do to add a quick gallery is upload a directory full of images under the main one and poof, there you go. So far I just have two online and the style is the default supplied, so there is no cohesiveness to the site – yet.

Started down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/05: 309

Question For English Majors

Is irony used correctly in the following sentence?

During a Cleavland Indian at bat in the fifth inning, with a fan pounding rhythmically on an Indian type drum in the outfield supporting an offensive rally, was the public address system operator being ironic by playing a recording of the bugle call Charge at the same time?