Burnin’ Baby

My DVD Burner was delivered by a guy in a brown truck today. Drive went in smooth and XP recognized it for what it is on boot up. I have played a DVD movie and an audio CD. The PC had 2 drives in it to begin with, a DVD player and a CDRW drive. I pulled out the DVD player to put in the new CD & DVD read/writer. Now I’m wondering which one I should keep as the second drive, the DVD player or the CDRW drive?

Because I went cheap, my package didn’t include a free copy of Nero or one of those other big name burning software titles. A quick trip over to Sourceforge and 2.6Megs later I was in business – InfraRecorder. So far I can highly recommend it, but all I’ve done with it is back up all my MP3s to 5 DVD +R discs. Further testing is required.

I pulled the fancy flash gallery/viewers from the the two picture galleries I did last week. I did like the interface, but hated the lack of captioning. I guess I’ll have to get busy and change the galleries to have the same red/maroon color scheme as the new WordPress theme.

Started down, went up, still up.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/07: 415


  1. Michael

    I would check to see if there is a way that I could burn +R and -R CD’s and DVD’s by picking the right one. That way if there is a sale on one or the other, you could save that money.

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