Hard At Work HTMLing

Self PortraitEntry submission into the “My Favorite Miata Picture” Contest 2 ended yesterday at noon. Nice little turn out of 58, compared to last year’s 44. The first pictured submitted was mine, it was there when I put up the page to begin with. The last one arrived with just 16 minutes to spare. So this evening was spent getting all the pages and scripts ready so people can vote for their favorite Favorite picture. You don’t have to have entered the contest to vote, so click on that link on Thursday and pick the one you like best. Right now I’m leaning towards voting for the last picture submitted which I think is the nicest, but I might just vote for the first one. 😉

Started down, went up, back down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 352

RIP Pluto

Good Morning If I had a really, really long telephoto lens and it wasn’t daytime, you could possibly see the ex-ninth planet in this photo.

For last weekend’s Bug Splat rally everyone places a green Avery dot on their car in hopes of winning the fabulous “Closest to the Dot” prize. I played along and put one on the front bumper on the driver’s side about headlight level, but splatted no insect anywhere near it. Raise your hand if you are still driving around with a green dot on your car. Just me then?

Started down, went up, still up.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 345

My World Is Empty Without You Babe

Emptiness I had been sharing my cubicle/workspace with college kid/summer help, Adam, since May, but he is gone now and the silence has been deafening. Now it is echoing.

A few days before Adam left ASCO’s employ, the Department Manager and the IT guy showed up and asked, “Your last day is Friday the 11th, right?” Adam assumed that they were coming to say nice working with you, you’ve been a big help, come back next time, etc. His bubble was popped when the IT guy said, “That PC should work.” The manager said, “I’ll get Maintenance to move the desk on Saturday.”

Seems the new departmental Industrial Engineer was starting on Monday and they needed some stuff so the FNG wouldn’t come in to an empty cubicle. Turns out the new IE doesn’t start until this Monday, so the PC got moved last Friday and Maintenance didn’t come to get the desk until today. For good measure those guys also grabbed the side table and the trash can. They left behind only a chair and lots of dust.

Started down, went up, back down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 344