Miata Forum Science

Humfrz Theory of Mental Relativity:
The sensation of “speed” is relative and is directly proportional to the ?speed? at which the biochemical process works in the flow of neurons across the synapses of ones brain. As we age, this process slows while the world around us, continues to move at a constant ?speed?, thus giving us ?old guys? the sensation of ?great speed?.

He has an equation he is working on to help explain the theory:
H + S + A x AGS ÷ X ≈ PS
hat + suspenders + age x actual ground speed ÷ (X) ≈ perceived speed

This explains why 80-year old men in hats are doing 20 MPH in the 45 zone…they think they are flying.

I like it. Might even try and find a prominent spot for it here to go along with Sturgeon’s Law.

Free Parking

No, I haven’t been playing Monopoly, just unearthed my parking stub from the Charlotte airport under some papers at my desk here.

Parking is at a premium at Charlotte- Douglas International Airport and as they fill up one fence enclosed long-term lot they open another down the street. When Donna and I went to CT for Labor Day we parked our car way out in a satellite lot as directed by airport personnel. A fellow handed us a ticket with a handwritten date on it and directed us to the shuttle. We we in Lot #2, Section Z.

When we got back 3 days later it took a little while to sort out which shuttle bus to take. The bus took us back to the lot and pulled in through a gate next to a booth. We loaded up our car and followed the exit signs back to that same booth, but on the other side. I rolled down my window to hand the ticket to the person in the booth and the gate opened in front of me. The booth was empty. I drove out and away.

Started down, went up, back down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 392