Ellen Page Film Festival

Finally got around to seeing last year’s independent movie that could, Juno. Ranks right up there with yesterday’s Henry Poole Is Here flick, quirky character navigates tricky life problem while surrounded by a circle of quirky friends/family to satisfyingly happy ending to a folksy acoustic soundtrack. Ellen Page is nicely cast as the protagonist, but no 16-year old is that smart or worldly.

Unless of course she a 17-year old Vanessa Wetherhold, daughter of an English Professor in the movie Smart People. I’ve had this movie in my rental queue for awhile now, but the other day it got moved into the Watch It Now category and while Donna watched something on the tube I watched it on the laptop. Some folks compare it to Sideways in tone, mostly I think because of Thomas Hayden Church, I didn’t see it in anything other than his similar sort of loose cannon with a purpose shtick. I enjoyed the movie and don’t regret the hour and a half I spent with it, but it is another one that I can’t recommend to anyone I know because I don’t know anyone else who likes this type of movie.

I do enjoy “independent style” movies, but after this weekend I think I need a dose of good ol’ Hollywood style unreality. Maybe I need to move The Dark Knight to the top of the queue.

Started up, still up.
Miata Top Transitions since 10/24/08: 102


Today was a rainy day, just right for recovering from the flu and watching movies. First we watched Burn After Reading (or was it Burn Before Reading?) and somehow A-List writer/directors with an A-List cast somehow managed to produce a B-List movie. It was not bad, it was good, but it was not inspired like Fargo or The Big Lebowski.

The second movie was Henry Poole Is Here and I’m not really sure of what to make of this movie. I absolutely can’t think of anyone I could possibly recommend this movie to, but not because it was an awful movie, it was actually pretty good. It starts quirky, runs to questions of religion and faith, then somehow turns into a happy ending romance.

The Miss America pageant (or is it the Miss USA pageant?) is on TLC (The Learning Channel?) this evening and somehow 20-odd nicely proportioned, finely tanned women in black bikinis wearing high heels came off as unattractive.

Started down, went up, still up.
Miata Top Transitions since 10/24/08: 102

Big Snow Storm Covers Aiken!

Not really, more like persistent flurries dust us all day.

It was snowing lightly on the drive into work and once it became light, every time I passed a window or on our three shortened walks around the parking lot at break times there were widely scattered flakes fluttering to the ground. Heck at 4 o’clock quitting time the sun was shining, but there were still sporadic flakes tumbling down. But because our temperatures had not been cold enough for long enough nothing stuck, not even on the grass.

Started up, still up.
Miata Top Transitions since 10/24/08: 100