The Glass Ballerina

(49/82) This show was about Sun & Jin, both on island and in flashbacks off, and how they have been deceiving each other in small and large ways. We also check in with the big three and their antics while in captivity. Jack just gets the mental beatings while Sawyer and Kate get, unbelievably (if you can get anymore unbelievable than we’ve gotten so far), enlisted in some sort of chain gang.

Happy Thanksgiving

Going away for a couple days to an Internet Free zone, check back Sunday for an exciting blow by blow account….

Started up, still up.
Miata Top Transitions since 10/24/08: 42

Junior Man Onboard

Don’t know if you have been keeping up with this story or not, but apparently the last shuttle mission took a “state of the art” urine-purification system for water recycling up to the International Space Station. They must have bought it at Big Lots because when they got up there it didn’t work right. Apparently there was a hiccup in the centrifuge or something, but now it is fixed.

My question is who is doing the taste testing? Rank has its privileges.

Started down, went up, still up.
Miata Top Transitions since 10/24/08: 42