Red Sky At Night, Sailor’s Delight

Red sky in morning, sailors take warning. Then what the heck does an orange sky in the morning mean?

As we were getting ready for work this morning I passed by the kitchen window and noticed a strange glow outside. On my return trip the other way it was still very orange looking, so I went out into the garage and opened the door. Wow, very eerie. I’ve got to get a picture of this. Popped the trunk and got out the camera. By the time the camera booted and I stepped into the driveway the effect was fading fast. As I wondered whether to try and capture the tail end it was over, back to a regular looking morning.

Orange You Glad To See Me?


Started down, went up, still up.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 465

Wow, Thanks

They always have a yearly on-site visit from the mammogram bus, so…last week at ASCO the Plant Nurse had some representatives from a local hospital come in and offer PSA testing for us guys.

I had it done about 5 months ago at my annual visit to my Urologist, but to help support the cause I signed up to do it again at work. At nine bucks for my participation, I figure it is cheap insurance that they keep the program going next year by having plenty of takers.

My results came in the mail today. At the bottom of the sheet was the following note:

Heterophilic antibodies in human serum can react with reagent immunoglobins, interfering with in vitro immunoassays.

I’m not a doctor, so I don’t know the exact meaning of several of those words. I’m not a lawyer, but I bet I do know the exact meaning of that note – In no way can you blame us if the test results aren’t accurate.

Wow, thanks for doing the test for me.

Started down, went up, back down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 462