Any Port In The Storm

Well Mateys, it happened again this evening. I lost time. Fox Mulder would tell you that that is a sign of alien abduction.

After dinner I settled in on the couch to finish reading my current book, I had my headphones for music and a fresh Diet Dr. Pepper to slake my thirst when I made the fatal mistake of doing a quick check of the movie channels. It was about 20 minutes after 6PM when the channels stopped moving on Encore wam. Next thing I knew it was 8:20PM. If it was 9 minutes I’d have said Mulder was right, but this was 2 hours, that could only mean one thing….

Barbossa: For too long I’ve been parched of thirst and unable to quench it. Too long I’ve been starving to death and haven’t died. I feel nothing. Not the wind on my face nor the spray of the sea. Nor the warmth of a woman’s flesh.
[steps into moonlight becoming a skeleton]
Barbossa: You best start believing in ghost stories Miss Turner. You’re in one.

Started down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/05: 205