Eked One In

The rain that the Weather Channel had been promising for our area for Sunday noon, finally arrived here mid-morning today. Because of that we managed to eke in a top down drive to work. The windblocker was up along with the windows and the temperature control was about halfway to hot. Tomorrow and Wednesday it will be in the mid to lower 70s, woohoo, then the following two days it will be down into the 50s before settling in to the 60s where it should by this weekend. Not exactly spring, but the signs are there.

Started down, went up, still up.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/05: 27

Every Husband’s Dream

On the eve of Valentine’s Day I received every husband’s dream, wife sanctioned internet porn searching. Donna is a big fan of Trading Spaces and she heard/read somewhere that the hostess of the show, Paige Davis, was canned from the show for the discovery of a Paris Hilton style sex tape that was somewhere on the net. She asked me to try and find it. I answered promptly, “Yes ma’am, I’ll look in every filthy corner of the net for you.”

It didn’t take long to find out that the tape was not really of her. Or maybe it was the greatest cover up ever perpetrated, it was denied it was her, just some one who looks and sounds a lot like her. The tape may (or may not) be real, but apparently racy pictures of Paige at a gay male charity function are not – Paige Davis Gone Wild! (link no longer works.)

I may have not found anything tonight, but if she ever comes in and I’m looking at internet porn, I can just say I was looking for that Paige Davis tape. (once 🙂)

Started up went down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/05: 26