Episode 2

We watched season 4’s second episode of Mad Men tonight and maybe it is just me, but so far I’m not enjoying this season as much as previous ones. And it is partially the fault that nobody seems happy and our leading man is even more of a jerk that we thought. Even Roger Sterling’s zinging one-liners felt forced and fell flat this episode.

The only character that even cracked a smile all episode was Sally Draper, the daughter of a pair of dysfunctional parents, who is happy to be receiving attention from the creepiest kid on television, Glen, who had just broken into her house when the family was away and trashed every room except her’s.

Right now it is like watching a show with zero sympathetic characters. I hope we don’t stay that way for very long, there is so very little I enjoy on TV and right now I’m not enjoying this one.

Started down, went up, still up.
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