Fake It ‘Til You Make It or making an High Dynamic Range (HDR) image from just one exposure. I have been playing with three different programs for creating HDR images and one of them, Dynamic Photo has a way to FITYMI, so I gave it a try. I used a recent Post Office picture that really could have benifited from the process, but I didn’t take the three required exposure.

Original Exposure The original exposure with the camera set on auto.
Tweaked The photo after post-processing in Paint Shop Pro.
Faux HDR FITYMI using Dynamic Photo.

In my unscientific selection process I’m leaning towards getting the Dynamic Photo software for a couple of reasons, one of which is this ability to fake an HDR image from one picture, the other is the cost $39. I need to try a real test image first — the same scene shot with 3 exposures 2EV apart — before taking the plunge.

Started down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/07: 482