Post Office Mania

Duncan, SCI’ve got all 30 odd Post Office photos from this weekend uploaded to the gallery. I’ve got some sort of verbiage for each photo, but in a bunch of them you can tell I’m really reaching. In the beginning it seemed easy to write a blurb for each Post Office, but it is getting harder as the total goes up. It becomes especially hard when we take mass quantities of pictures in one weekend. They all kind of blur together. Tomorrow I’ll try and get them up on Flickr! and this weekend get them geotagged.

Before my keyboard was having trouble with the letter ‘O’, I took it apart and but it back together and the problem went away. For a couple of weeks. Now it is dropping the letter ‘T’. So if you read some of my photo captions and a word doesn’t seem right, add a ‘T’ to it. If that doesn’t work I probably just missed the connection between brain thought and finger press.

Started down, went up, still up.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/07: 379